Where to Get Your Child Tested for Autism Near Me?

Discover where to get your child tested for autism near you. Find reputable autism diagnostic centers and access early intervention services.

steven zauderer
Steven Zauderer
June 29, 2024
min read

Finding Autism Diagnostic Centers

When seeking a diagnosis for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in children, it is essential to find reputable autism diagnostic centers that specialize in assessing and diagnosing ASD. These centers employ professionals who have expertise in evaluating and supporting individuals with ASD. There are two main types of autism diagnostic centers: local autism diagnostic centers and specialized autism centers.

Local Autism Diagnostic Centers

Local autism diagnostic centers are typically located within communities and provide diagnostic evaluations for ASD. These centers may be child development clinics, hospitals, or private practices that have professionals trained in diagnosing ASD. Local centers often offer comprehensive services, including assessments, evaluations, and therapy.

To find a local autism diagnostic center near you, it is recommended to research and consult with healthcare professionals, such as pediatricians or family doctors. They can provide recommendations based on your child's specific needs and location. Additionally, online directories and resources, such as local health department websites, may provide a list of local autism diagnostic centers available in your area.

Specialized Autism Centers

Specialized autism centers focus specifically on evaluating and diagnosing ASD. These centers have a multidisciplinary team of professionals, including pediatricians, psychologists, speech therapists, and occupational therapists, who work together to provide comprehensive assessments and personalized care for children with autism. Specialized centers often have extensive experience in diagnosing and treating ASD, ensuring that children receive the most accurate diagnosis and appropriate support.

When searching for specialized autism centers, it is advisable to consider renowned institutions that specialize in autism diagnosis and treatment. Some notable examples include:

CHKD Autism Diagnostic Clinic

CHKD (Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters) has established an Autism Diagnostic Clinic that offers rapid access to diagnostic evaluations for children aged five and younger. The clinic follows a comprehensive treatment approach to create personalized care plans for children with ASD.

Rainbow Autism Center at UH Hospitals

The Rainbow Autism Center at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital provides comprehensive evaluation and diagnosis for ASD. Their two-stage screening and diagnostic process ensures accurate diagnosis and personalized care for children with ASD.

Nationwide Children's Hospital Autism Services

The Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders and the Child Development Center at Nationwide Children's Hospital offer comprehensive, multidisciplinary care for children with ASD. They focus on evidence-based treatment, education, research, and advocacy for individuals with ASD.

When considering specialized autism centers, it is advisable to review their services, expertise, and reputation. Researching online and consulting with healthcare professionals can help you identify reputable centers that provide the necessary assessments and support for your child.

Finding the right autism diagnostic center is an important step in the journey towards getting a diagnosis for your child. These centers can provide the necessary evaluations and help determine appropriate interventions and supports for children with ASD.

The Evaluation Process for Autism

When seeking an autism diagnosis for your child, it is important to understand the evaluation process involved. Autism diagnostic evaluations are typically conducted by a multidisciplinary team, which may include professionals such as psychologists, pediatricians, speech-language pathologists, and occupational therapists.

Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team

A multidisciplinary evaluation team is crucial in assessing autism spectrum disorder (ASD) because it allows for a comprehensive and holistic approach. Each team member brings their unique expertise, contributing to a thorough evaluation of the child's development and behavior. The team collaborates to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the child's strengths, challenges, and overall functioning.

Components of a Comprehensive Evaluation

A comprehensive evaluation for autism involves several components to gather information about the child's development and behavior. These components may include:

  1. Review of Medical History: The evaluation team reviews the child's medical history, including prenatal, birth, and developmental milestones. This helps provide a comprehensive understanding of the child's background and any potential contributing factors.
  2. Observation of Behavior and Interaction: The team observes the child's behavior, social interaction, and communication skills. These observations may occur in various settings, such as at home, school, or during play sessions. This allows the team to assess the child's behavior and social abilities in different contexts.
  3. Parent or Caregiver Interviews: The evaluation process includes interviews with parents or caregivers to gather information about the child's development, behaviors, and concerns. These interviews provide valuable insights into the child's daily functioning and help identify any patterns or behaviors that may be indicative of ASD.
  4. Standardized Assessments: The team utilizes standardized assessments to evaluate various domains, including behavioral, communication, and social skills. These assessments provide objective measures to compare the child's abilities to established developmental norms, aiding in the diagnosis of ASD.

By utilizing a multidisciplinary approach and incorporating these components into the evaluation process, professionals can effectively assess and diagnose autism spectrum disorder. It is crucial to choose a facility with experienced professionals who are knowledgeable about autism and its diagnosis. This ensures that your child receives a thorough evaluation and the necessary support for their unique needs.

Reputable Autism Diagnostic Centers

When seeking a reliable place to get your child tested for autism, it's important to consider reputable autism diagnostic centers. These centers have experienced professionals who specialize in diagnosing and evaluating autism spectrum disorder. Here are a few notable centers known for their expertise in autism diagnosis:

CHKD Autism Diagnostic Clinic

The CHKD Autism Diagnostic Clinic, part of the Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters, focuses on providing rapid access to diagnostic evaluations for children aged five and younger.

Their goal is to create and implement a comprehensive treatment approach for individuals with autism spectrum disorder. The clinic's team of professionals specializes in early detection and intervention, ensuring that children receive the support they need as early as possible. To learn more about the CHKD Autism Diagnostic Clinic, visit their website here.

Dr. John Doe's Pediatric Practice

Dr. John Doe is a pediatrician with extensive experience in diagnosing and managing autism spectrum disorder. He specializes in neurodevelopmental disorders and offers autism testing and evaluation for children in the local area.

Dr. Doe utilizes his expertise to provide accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans for children with autism. To learn more about Dr. John Doe and his pediatric practice, you can visit his profile on Medifind.

Rainbow Autism Center at UH Hospitals

The Rainbow Autism Center, located at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital, offers comprehensive evaluation and diagnosis for Autism Spectrum Disorder. They utilize a two-stage screening and diagnostic process to ensure accuracy.

The center's team of professionals provides thorough assessments and personalized treatment plans for children with autism. To learn more about the Rainbow Autism Center at UH Hospitals, visit their website here.

Nationwide Children's Hospital Autism Services

The Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders and the Child Development Center at Nationwide Children's Hospital provide comprehensive, multidisciplinary care for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Their approach focuses on evidence-based treatment, education, research, and advocacy. The center's team of experts offers comprehensive evaluations and a range of services to support children with ASD and their families. To learn more about Nationwide Children's Hospital Autism Services, you can visit their website here.

These reputable autism diagnostic centers have a dedicated team of professionals who are experienced in diagnosing and supporting individuals with autism spectrum disorder. By seeking their expertise, you can ensure that your child receives a comprehensive evaluation and access to appropriate interventions and support services.

Getting a Referral for Autism Testing

When parents suspect that their child may have autism, the first step is to consult with the child's primary care physician or pediatrician. These healthcare professionals play a crucial role in the referral process for autism testing. They can provide valuable guidance and help navigate the journey of diagnosing autism. Here are three common avenues for referrals:

Consulting with the Child's Primary Care Physician

Parents should express their concerns about their child's development to their child's primary care physician. The physician will listen attentively and assess the child's symptoms and behaviors.

If the physician agrees that further evaluation is needed, they may recommend a referral to a specialist or diagnostic center that specializes in autism evaluations. It is important to have open and honest communication with the primary care physician to ensure the child receives the necessary support and resources.

Referrals to Developmental Specialists

In some cases, the primary care physician may refer the child to a developmental specialist, such as a developmental pediatrician, pediatric neurologist, child psychiatrist, or child psychologist.

These specialists have extensive experience and expertise in diagnosing autism and can conduct a comprehensive evaluation to determine if the child meets the criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Developmental specialists use their training and knowledge to assess various domains, including behavioral, communication, and social skills, in order to make an accurate diagnosis.

School and Early Intervention Assessments

Apart from autism diagnostic centers, some schools and early intervention programs may offer assessments for autism. These assessments are typically conducted by a team of professionals who are trained in diagnosing and supporting individuals with ASD.

If a child is attending school or receiving early intervention services, parents can inquire about the availability of assessments within these settings. School and early intervention assessments can provide valuable insights into a child's development and help determine if further evaluation for autism is necessary.

It is crucial to schedule an appointment with a specialist as soon as possible if there are concerns about a child's development. Early intervention and diagnosis can lead to better outcomes and provide access to appropriate services and supports By working closely with the child's primary care physician and exploring appropriate referrals, parents can take the necessary steps to get their child tested for autism and access the support they need.

Importance of Early Intervention

When it comes to autism, early intervention plays a crucial role in promoting the well-being and development of children. Early diagnosis and access to appropriate services and supports can make a significant difference in the lives of children with autism and their families. In this section, we will explore the benefits of early diagnosis and how to access services and supports.

Benefits of Early Diagnosis

Early diagnosis of autism allows for timely intervention, which can lead to improved outcomes for children. Here are some key benefits of early diagnosis:

  1. Early access to intervention: Early diagnosis enables children to access specialized interventions and therapies tailored to their specific needs. These interventions focus on developing communication, social, and behavioral skills, helping children reach their full potential.
  2. Improved social and communication skills: Early intervention can enhance social and communication skills in children with autism. Through targeted interventions, children learn to navigate social interactions, communicate effectively, and develop meaningful relationships.
  3. Better long-term outcomes: Research suggests that early intervention can lead to better long-term outcomes for children with autism. It can positively impact cognitive abilities, adaptive skills, and overall quality of life.
  4. Support for families: Early diagnosis provides an opportunity for families to connect with support networks, such as parent training programs and support groups. These resources can offer guidance, emotional support, and practical strategies for managing the challenges associated with autism.

Accessing Services and Supports

If you suspect that your child may have autism, it is crucial to take action and seek professional evaluation as soon as possible. Here are some steps to access services and supports for your child:

  1. Consult with your child's primary care physician: Start by discussing your concerns with your child's pediatrician or primary care provider. They can provide guidance, answer questions, and initiate the evaluation process.
  2. Referral to specialists: If your child's pediatrician agrees that further evaluation is needed, they may provide a referral to a developmental pediatrician, pediatric neurologist, or other healthcare professional experienced in diagnosing autism. It is important to choose a specialist with expertise in autism spectrum disorders.
  3. Developmental-behavioral pediatricians and other specialists: Pediatricians may refer you to developmental-behavioral pediatricians, child psychiatrists, child psychologists, or other healthcare professionals experienced in diagnosing autism. These specialists can conduct a comprehensive evaluation to assess your child's development and determine if autism is present.
  4. School and early intervention assessments: In addition to medical evaluations, schools and early intervention programs can also provide assessments to evaluate your child's development. These assessments can help determine eligibility for services and supports through educational programs.

By taking these steps, you can ensure that your child receives a comprehensive evaluation and gains access to the necessary services and supports. Remember, early intervention is key to optimizing outcomes for children with autism, so it's important to act promptly if you have concerns about your child's development.


Getting your child tested for autism can be a complex and emotional journey, but it’s an important step in ensuring a bright future for your child. By working with professionals who have experience in diagnosing and treating autism, you can give your child the best possible chance to thrive. Remember, you’re not alone – there are many resources available to help you and your child.


[1]: https://www.chkd.org/our-doctors/autism-diagnostic-clinic/

[2]: https://www.uhhospitals.org/autism/autism-diagnostic-clinic

[3]: https://www.nationwidechildrens.org/specialties/center

[4]: https://www.hopebridge.com/blog/evaluation-process

[5]: https://www.healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/

[6]: https://www.thechildren.com/sites/default/files/

steven zauderer

CEO of CrossRiverTherapy - a national ABA therapy company based in the USA.

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