Behvaior Intervention Plan Examples

Explore behavior intervention plan examples, understand key components and strategies for children with disability.

steven zauderer
Steven Zauderer
June 27, 2024
9 min read
min read

Understanding Behavior Intervention Plans

Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs) are integral in managing challenging behaviors, especially in children with disabilities. These plans are designed to teach and reward good behavior, aiming to prevent behavior that hinders learning. The purpose and creation process of these plans are discussed in this section.

Purpose of Behavior Intervention Plans

A Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) serves as a blueprint for changing behavior. It guides treatment in formal settings and ensures consistent responses to behaviors. The main objective is to replace problem behaviors with positive ones, helping children to function better in their learning environments.

The BIP typically includes three key parts: listing the problem behavior, describing why it's happening, and implementing strategies or supports to help. A well-written behavior plan changes the behavior of the adults who interact with the learner as much as, or even more than the learner himself. Learners are not puppets, and their behavior does not change unless the environment changes (Master ABA).

The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires a functional behavior assessment (FBA) and a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) when a child with disabilities engages in behavior that threatens his current school placement and that behavior is a manifestation of the child’s disability.

Creation Process of Behavior Intervention Plans

The creation of a BIP is a collaborative effort, typically involving a team of professionals, the child, and the child's family. Schools form a team to create a BIP by interviewing the student, teacher, and other staff, observing the student, talking to the family, conducting tests, and reviewing past report cards or incidents.

The plan should be periodically reviewed and adjusted based on new information or the student's changing needs. This flexible approach ensures that the plan remains relevant and effective in managing the child's behavior.

The creation process of a BIP can be complex, and it's important to have a clear understanding of the steps involved. For more insights and guidance, check out our behavior intervention plan template and explore various behavior intervention strategies.

Factors Influencing Behavior Intervention Plans

When developing a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), it's crucial to understand the factors that can significantly influence the plan's effectiveness. This involves being aware of common reasons for ineffective BIPs and the commonly used behavioral strategies.

Reasons for Ineffective BIPs

Behavior Intervention Plans can sometimes fall short of their goals for a variety of reasons. One common issue is a mismatch between the behavior and the strategies implemented. For instance, if a student is misbehaving for a reason that's not correctly identified, the plan's strategies may not address the underlying cause of the behavior, hindering the plan's success (Understood).

Another reason BIPs may fail is when the plans become outdated and are not regularly reviewed and adjusted. If the plan does not evolve with the student's changing needs, it can quickly become ineffective. This is especially true if the rewards or incentives used in the plan need updating (Understood).

It's crucial for educators and parents to continuously monitor and update the strategies and goals outlined in a BIP. Regular assessment and adjustment can ensure that the plan stays relevant and effective in managing the student's behavior. For further details on creating effective BIPs, refer to our behavior intervention plan template.

Commonly Used Behavioral Strategies

Several behavioral strategies have proven effective in managing student behavior. According to a report by Branching Minds, the most commonly used behavioral strategy in 2020 was the Check-in/Check-out method. This method aims to improve student behavior by discussing behavioral expectations and performance with a teacher, mentor, or educator at the beginning and end of each day.

Another commonly used strategy is the PBIS Reward System, also known as a Token Economy. This strategy provides positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors in students. Different students may require different types of reinforcement, and it's essential to focus on rewarding only positive behaviors.

Moreover, providing intentional praise and positive reinforcement can be an effective behavioral strategy for many students. It is recommended to maintain a 5:1 ratio of positive to negative feedback. The specificity of the praise and the manner in which it is delivered can significantly influence its effectiveness.

For more information on these and other strategies, refer to our page on behavior intervention strategies. Additionally, you can also check out our articles on behavior intervention plan for autism and positive behavior intervention plan for more specific behavior intervention plan examples.

Effective Strategies for Behavior Intervention Plans

Creating effective behavior intervention plans requires thoughtful, targeted strategies that cater to a child's unique behavioral needs. Two such strategies, proven to be beneficial in various studies, are the Check-in/Check-out method and the PBIS Reward System.

Check-in/Check-out Method

The Check-in/Check-out method was the most commonly used behavioral strategy in 2020, aiming to help students improve behavior by discussing behavioral expectations and performance with a teacher, mentor, or educator at the beginning and end of each day. This approach fosters an open line of communication between the student and the adult, allowing for timely feedback and adjustments to the behavior intervention plan. An experimental study showed significant improvements in classroom behaviors for students who received this intervention.

This method is often incorporated into a behavior intervention plan template and can be adapted for various environments, including home and school. It's especially beneficial for children who require consistent, structured routines to manage their behavior effectively.

PBIS Reward System

Another frequently used behavioral strategy is the PBIS Reward System, also known as a Token Economy. This system provides positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors in students. Different students may require different types of reinforcement, and it's essential to focus on rewarding only positive behaviors (Branching Minds).

The PBIS Reward System can be implemented in various ways, such as providing tokens, stickers, or points for desired behaviors. These can then be exchanged for rewards like extra playtime, preferred activities, or small prizes. The goal of this strategy is to motivate the child to exhibit positive behavior consistently.

This system is a key component of positive behavior intervention plans and can be customized to cater to a child's specific interests and motivations. It's important to ensure that the rewards are meaningful to the child and that the system is implemented consistently to maximize its effectiveness.

These are just two examples of effective strategies used in behavior intervention plans. In order to create a comprehensive and effective plan, it's important to consider the specific needs and circumstances of each child. For more detailed information on behavior intervention strategies, you can refer to our article on behavior intervention strategies.

Implementing Behavior Intervention Plans

Putting a behavior intervention plan into action involves a strategic approach and the execution of effective methods. Two such methods that have proven to be beneficial include the self-monitoring tracking system and the implementation of structured routines.

Self-Monitoring Tracking System

The self-monitoring tracking system is an effective behavioral strategy particularly suitable for older elementary, middle, and high school students. This approach involves students selecting behaviors they are keen to improve, measuring and evaluating their behaviors, and building self-regulatory skills that have a broader impact on other behaviors and social-emotional skills (Branching Minds).

Such a strategy involves a level of introspection and self-awareness, pushing students to actively participate in their behavior modification process. It can be particularly beneficial for students with behavioral issues, as it allows them to take ownership of their actions.

For instance, a self-monitoring tracking system might involve a student tracking how often they raise their hand in class before speaking. As they monitor this behavior, they can see their progress and identify areas for improvement.

For a more detailed guide on how to implement this strategy, refer to our behavior intervention plan template.

Structured Routines

Another effective strategy is the implementation of structured routines. This method can be particularly beneficial for students who struggle with frustration, anxiety, and stress, or those who have difficulty completing assignments.

Structured routines provide predictability and a schedule, which can significantly benefit students, especially those learning remotely. By having a clear understanding of what is expected and when, students can better manage their time and tasks, reducing anxiety and improving productivity (Branching Minds).

For example, a structured routine might involve a student having set times for studying, breaks, and leisure activities. This routine provides a balance of work and rest, promoting healthier habits and improved behavior.

To explore more strategies that can be used in a behavior intervention plan, refer to our behavior intervention strategies page.

Implementing behavior intervention plans can be a nuanced process with different strategies working better for different individuals. It's crucial to assess the individual needs and preferences of each student to ensure the chosen methods are the best fit. Whether it's a positive behavior intervention plan or a behavior intervention plan for autism, the ultimate aim is to promote positive behavior change and cultivate a supportive environment for learning.

Key Components of Behavior Intervention Plans

A Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) is a strategic plan that addresses challenging behaviors and promotes positive alternatives. The key components of a BIP include setting clear and measurable goals and implementing strategies and interventions tailored to the individual's needs.

Setting Clear and Measurable Goals

One of the crucial components of a BIP is setting clear and measurable goals. These goals provide a roadmap for behavior change and help track progress over time. When developing goals, it's essential to make them specific, observable, and achievable. This ensures that they are realistic and measurable, allowing for accurate evaluation of the individual's progress.

In a BIP, no more than four or five behaviors are targeted at a time. Goals set within the plan should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to track progress effectively. If you're looking for a framework to help you set SMART goals, check out our behavior intervention plan template.

Strategies and Interventions

Strategies and interventions form the core of a Behavior Intervention Plan. These are the techniques and approaches used to address the challenging behaviors and promote positive alternatives. Strategies can include environmental modifications, teaching replacement behaviors, and providing supports to the individual.

The strategies in a BIP are proactive and reactive, designed to prevent and manage behaviors, respectively. These strategies are based on the functions of the child's problem behavior, aiming to teach more appropriate ways to meet their needs. Additionally, specific rewards are set to motivate the child and encourage positive behavior.

Effective strategies and interventions are critical for achieving the set goals in a BIP. Therefore, it's essential to consider the individual's unique needs and circumstances when developing these strategies. For more information on effective behavior intervention strategies, you may want to explore our behavior intervention strategies page.

Remember, the goal of a BIP is not to punish, but to teach and support the individual in developing more appropriate behaviors. By setting clear and measurable goals and implementing effective strategies and interventions, a BIP can be a powerful tool in managing challenging behaviors and promoting positive change.

Evaluating Behavior Intervention Plans

After implementing a behavior intervention plan (BIP), it's crucial to evaluate its effectiveness. This involves assessing the intervention's success in changing the targeted behavior and ensuring the plan's steps are being properly executed.

Intervention Effectiveness Assessment

The effectiveness of a BIP is typically measured by comparing data collected before and after the intervention. This comparison helps determine whether the desired change in behavior is occurring and if the child is making progress towards the BIP goals.

For example, in a case study, a student named David showed a significant decrease in off-task behavior and an increase in on-task behavior following the implementation of a BIP. The team observed that David was off-task only 10% of the time compared to a baseline observation of 90% off-task behavior. This progress led the team to continue implementing the plan, considering modifications once David could maintain his behavior at the improved level.

In another case, Joseph's behavior intervention plan resulted in a decrease in his target behavior (rude, sarcastic, teasing comments), and an increase in his replacement behavior (listening and responding in a positive and respectful manner) (IRIS Center). These examples demonstrate the importance of evaluating a BIP's effectiveness in achieving the desired behavioral changes.

Treatment Integrity Evaluation

Treatment integrity, also known as implementation fidelity, refers to how accurately a plan's steps are being carried out. It's crucial to assess whether the teacher or caregiver is correctly following the intervention steps. If there's little or no change in a student's behavior, it might indicate that the BIP is not being implemented as designed (IRIS Center).

An observer can use an implementation fidelity observation form to calculate the percentage of steps completed with fidelity. For instance, in a particular case, a teacher initially did not implement the intervention with fidelity. However, after receiving additional instruction on the implementation plan, the teacher improved and implemented the intervention with high fidelity during the remaining observations. This improvement led to a reduction in the frequency of observations to once per week.

These evaluations are essential parts of the BIP process, contributing to the refinement and success of the plan. Remember, the ultimate goal of a behavior intervention plan is to support positive behavioral change, and regular evaluation ensures that the plan is working effectively towards that goal.

For more information on creating and implementing behavior intervention plans, consult our behavior intervention plan template and behavior intervention strategies resources.





steven zauderer

CEO of CrossRiverTherapy - a national ABA therapy company based in the USA.

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