Is Asperger's a Type of Autism?

If you're wondering whether Asperger's is a type of autism, the answer is yes. Asperger's syndrome is a form of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which affects social interaction, communication, and behavior.

steven zauderer
Steven Zauderer
June 29, 2024
min read

Understanding Asperger's and Autism

To comprehend the relationship between Asperger's and autism, it is essential to understand the definitions and features of both Asperger's Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Definition and Features of Asperger's Syndrome

Asperger's Syndrome, named after Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger, was initially identified as a distinct condition in the field of autism. Individuals with Asperger's typically exhibit challenges in social interaction and communication, as well as restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. However, they often have average to above-average intelligence and language development.

Key features of Asperger's Syndrome include:

  • Difficulty understanding and interpreting social cues and nonverbal communication.
  • Limited eye contact and challenges in maintaining conversations.
  • A tendency to engage in repetitive behaviors or have intense, specific interests.
  • A preference for routine and difficulty adapting to change.
  • Above-average cognitive abilities in certain areas, such as memory or attention to detail.

Definition and Features of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a broader term encompassing a range of neurodevelopmental conditions characterized by challenges in social interaction, communication, and behavior. ASD includes a diverse group of individuals with varying degrees of impairment and abilities.

Key features of Autism Spectrum Disorder include:

  • Difficulties with social interaction, such as maintaining eye contact, understanding emotions, and engaging in reciprocal conversation.
  • Challenges in verbal and nonverbal communication, including delayed language development or atypical speech patterns.
  • Repetitive behaviors, such as hand flapping, rocking, or fixation on specific objects or topics.
  • Sensory sensitivities, such as being overly sensitive to lights, sounds, or textures.
  • Varying levels of intellectual and cognitive abilities, ranging from intellectual disability to exceptional skills in specific areas.

Understanding the definitions and features of both Asperger's Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder helps clarify the relationship between these conditions and enables individuals, families, and professionals to navigate the complexities of diagnosis, treatment, and support. Embracing neurodiversity and promoting acceptance and inclusion are crucial steps in fostering a society that appreciates and supports individuals with Asperger's and autism.

Relationship Between Asperger's and Autism

Understanding the relationship between Asperger's and autism requires a historical perspective and an examination of changes in diagnostic criteria.

Historical Perspective: Asperger's as a Subtype of Autism

In the early 20th century, Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger first described a group of children who exhibited social and communication difficulties but displayed remarkable abilities in specific areas. These children were later recognized as having Asperger's syndrome. Asperger's syndrome was considered a separate diagnosis from autism, with its own set of diagnostic criteria.

Changes in Diagnostic Criteria: Asperger's Absorbed into Autism Spectrum

Over time, as knowledge and understanding of autism spectrum disorders evolved, changes were made to the diagnostic criteria. In the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), published in 2013, Asperger's syndrome was absorbed into the broader category of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This change was made to streamline the diagnosis and ensure that individuals previously diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome receive appropriate support and services.

The decision to incorporate Asperger's into the autism spectrum was based on the understanding that there is significant overlap in the characteristics and challenges experienced by individuals with Asperger's and those with other forms of autism. Both conditions share core features related to social communication difficulties, restricted and repetitive behaviors, and sensory sensitivities.

It is important to note that despite the change in diagnostic terminology, individuals who were previously diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome still fall under the autism spectrum and continue to receive the necessary support and interventions tailored to their specific needs.

By recognizing the historical context and the changes in diagnostic criteria, we can better understand the relationship between Asperger's and autism and ensure that individuals receive the appropriate support and resources they need.

Similarities and Differences

When it comes to understanding the relationship between Asperger's and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), it's important to explore both the shared characteristics and the unique traits and challenges associated with each. By doing so, we can gain a better understanding of the similarities and differences between Asperger's and autism.

Shared Characteristics of Asperger's and Autism

Both Asperger's and autism are neurodevelopmental disorders that fall under the broader umbrella of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). They share several core characteristics, including:

  1. Social Communication Difficulties: Individuals with both Asperger's and autism may struggle with social interactions and communication. This can manifest as challenges in understanding nonverbal cues, maintaining eye contact, and engaging in reciprocal conversation.
  2. Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors: People with both Asperger's and autism often exhibit repetitive behaviors and have a strong preference for routine. They may display intense interests in specific topics and engage in repetitive movements or rituals.
  3. Sensory Sensitivities: Sensory sensitivities are common in both Asperger's and autism. Individuals may be hypersensitive or hyposensitive to certain sensory stimuli, such as light, sound, touch, or smell.
  4. Difficulty with Change: Both Asperger's and autism can make it challenging for individuals to cope with changes in their environment or routine. Unexpected changes may cause anxiety and distress.

Unique Traits and Challenges of Asperger's

While there are shared characteristics between Asperger's and autism, there are also unique traits and challenges specific to Asperger's. These include:

  1. Language Development: Individuals with Asperger's typically have average to above-average language skills. They may have a rich vocabulary and demonstrate advanced language abilities. However, they may struggle with pragmatic language skills, such as understanding sarcasm or non-literal language.
  2. Motor Skills: People with Asperger's often have better-developed motor skills compared to individuals with autism. They may exhibit better coordination and motor planning abilities.
  3. Cognitive Profile: Those with Asperger's tend to have average to above-average intelligence. They may excel in specific areas, such as mathematics or science, and have a strong interest in academic pursuits.
  4. Social Interaction: While individuals with Asperger's struggle with social interactions, they may have a greater desire for social connection compared to people with autism. They may actively seek social interaction, but have difficulty understanding social cues and norms.

Understanding the similarities and differences between Asperger's and autism is crucial for appropriate diagnosis and treatment planning. It's important to note that the distinction between Asperger's and autism has evolved over time, with Asperger's now being absorbed into the broader diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

By recognizing the overlapping and distinct features of Asperger's and autism, we can better support individuals with these conditions and promote understanding and acceptance within our society.

Implications and Considerations

Understanding the relationship between Asperger's and autism spectrum disorder has significant implications for diagnosis and treatment. It also highlights the importance of individualized support and understanding for individuals on the autism spectrum.

Impact on Diagnosis and Treatment

Asperger's syndrome was historically considered a distinct subtype of autism. However, changes in diagnostic criteria have led to the absorption of Asperger's into the broader category of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This shift has had important implications for the diagnosis and treatment of individuals with Asperger's traits.

With the merging of Asperger's into the autism spectrum, individuals who previously received an Asperger's diagnosis may now be diagnosed with ASD. This change has helped to ensure that individuals with similar characteristics and challenges receive appropriate support and services. It also eliminates potential confusion and discrepancies that may have arisen from differentiating between Asperger's and autism.

In terms of treatment, the focus remains on providing individualized interventions and therapies tailored to the specific needs of the person with ASD.

While the diagnosis may now fall under the broader ASD umbrella, the unique traits and challenges associated with Asperger's are still taken into account when designing intervention plans. Professionals may utilize strategies such as social skills training, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and occupational therapy to address specific areas of difficulty.

Importance of Individualized Support and Understanding

Individuals with Asperger's traits, now diagnosed within the autism spectrum, require individualized support and understanding to thrive. It is essential to recognize that each person on the spectrum is unique, with their own strengths, challenges, and preferences.

Providing individualized support involves tailoring interventions and accommodations to the specific needs of the individual. This may include creating structured environments, implementing visual supports, and utilizing communication strategies that align with the individual's strengths and preferences. It is also crucial to foster a supportive and inclusive community that embraces neurodiversity, acknowledging the value of different ways of thinking and experiencing the world.

Family members, educators, and professionals play a vital role in providing the necessary support and understanding. By familiarizing themselves with the characteristics and challenges associated with Asperger's, now within the autism spectrum, they can better advocate for and meet the needs of individuals with ASD.

By recognizing the impact of the merger between Asperger's and autism, and by providing individualized support and understanding, we can create an inclusive society that promotes acceptance and supports the well-being of individuals on the autism spectrum.

Moving Forward

As our understanding of neurodiversity continues to evolve, it is essential to look toward the future with a focus on embracing neurodiversity, promoting acceptance, and fostering inclusion.

Embracing Neurodiversity

Embracing neurodiversity involves recognizing and valuing the diversity of neurological differences, including conditions such as Asperger's and autism.

It involves understanding that these differences are not disorders or deficits but rather natural variations of the human brain. By embracing neurodiversity, we can shift our perspective from a deficit-based approach to one that appreciates the unique strengths and perspectives that individuals with Asperger's and autism bring to society.

Recognizing the strengths of individuals with Asperger's and autism is crucial for their personal development and overall well-being. Many individuals on the autism spectrum possess exceptional attention to detail, heightened focus, and the ability to think differently, which can lead to remarkable accomplishments in various fields.

By embracing neurodiversity, we can create a more inclusive society that values and celebrates the contributions of all individuals, regardless of their neurological differences. It is important to provide equal opportunities for education, employment, and social engagement, ensuring that individuals with Asperger's and autism have the support they need to thrive and reach their full potential.

Promoting Acceptance and Inclusion

Promoting acceptance and inclusion involves creating an environment that respects and values the rights and dignity of individuals with Asperger's and autism. It begins with raising awareness and educating the public about the realities of these conditions, dispelling myths and misconceptions, and promoting a more accurate understanding.

Acceptance means acknowledging that being neurodivergent is a normal variation of human diversity and not something that needs to be fixed or cured. It involves challenging stigmatizing attitudes and behaviors and creating a culture of empathy, understanding, and support.

Inclusion goes beyond mere acceptance and involves actively ensuring that individuals with Asperger's and autism are included in all aspects of life. This includes providing accessible educational settings, employment opportunities, and social environments where they are valued for their unique abilities. It also involves creating support networks and resources for individuals and their families to navigate various challenges and access the services they need.

By promoting acceptance and inclusion, we can create a society that values the rights, needs, and contributions of individuals with Asperger's and autism. It is through this collective effort that we can foster a more inclusive and supportive world for everyone.

As we move forward, it is crucial to continue advocating for the rights and well-being of individuals with Asperger's and autism. By embracing neurodiversity and promoting acceptance and inclusion, we can create a society that celebrates and supports individuals of all abilities. Together, we can work towards a more inclusive and understanding world for everyone.

Early Signs of Asperger's and Autism Spectrum Disorder

It is important for parents to be aware of the early signs of Asperger's and autism spectrum disorder so that they can seek early intervention services for their child. Some of the early signs of ASD may include:

  • Delayed speech or language skills, such as not speaking by age 2
  • Lack of interest in social interactions, such as not responding to their name or avoiding eye contact
  • Repetitive behaviors, such as flapping their hands or rocking back and forth
  • Intense interests in specific topics or objects

If you notice any of these signs in your child, it is important to speak with your pediatrician and seek a formal evaluation from a specialist. Early intervention services can greatly improve outcomes for children with ASD.

Challenges Faced by Adults with ASD

While early intervention services can greatly improve outcomes for children with ASD, adults with ASD may still face many challenges. Two of the most significant challenges that adults with ASD face are finding employment and building relationships.


Many adults with ASD struggle to find and maintain meaningful employment. This is due in part to the difficulties they may have with social interactions and communication, which are often important skills in the workplace. Additionally, some individuals with ASD may have intense interests or sensory sensitivities that can make it challenging to find a job that is a good fit for their unique needs.

Fortunately, there are resources available to help adults with ASD find and succeed in the workplace. Vocational rehabilitation programs can provide job training and support for individuals with disabilities, including those with ASD. Employers can also take steps to create a more inclusive workplace by providing accommodations for employees with disabilities.


Building and maintaining relationships can also be a challenge for adults with ASD. Individuals on the autism spectrum may struggle to understand social cues or express their emotions effectively, which can make it difficult to form close connections with others.

However, it's important to note that many individuals with ASD do form meaningful relationships throughout their lives. Social skills training programs and therapy can be helpful for developing these skills and improving social interactions.

Overall, while there are certainly challenges associated with living as an adult on the autism spectrum, there are also many resources available to help individuals overcome these challenges and lead fulfilling lives.


Why was the diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome eliminated?

The American Psychiatric Association eliminated the diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome in 2013 as part of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). The decision was made to streamline the diagnostic process and create a more consistent approach to diagnosing autism spectrum disorder.

Are there any benefits to eliminating the diagnosis of Asperger's?

Some experts believe that eliminating the diagnosis of Asperger's has helped to reduce stigma surrounding autism. By creating a single diagnostic category, individuals with autism can receive better access to services and support.

Can someone with Asperger's still be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder?

Yes, individuals who would have previously been diagnosed with Asperger's may now be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. The symptoms and characteristics associated with Asperger's are included within the broader category of ASD.


In conclusion, Asperger's syndrome is a type of autism spectrum disorder. While there are some differences between Asperger's and other forms of autism, they share many common characteristics. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Asperger's or autism spectrum disorder, it's important to seek out the appropriate resources and support to help manage the condition. Remember, with the right support and treatment, individuals with ASD can live happy and fulfilling lives.


steven zauderer

CEO of CrossRiverTherapy - a national ABA therapy company based in the USA.

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