Autism Brain Development: How Does Autism Work in the Brain?

Explore the intriguing journey of autism brain development, from genetic influences to neuroimaging studies.

steven zauderer
Steven Zauderer
June 29, 2024
10 min read
min read

Understanding Autism

To start our exploration of autism brain development, it's essential to first understand autism at a fundamental level.

Autism: A Brief Overview

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurological and developmental disorder, which is primarily characterized by social impairment and restricted interactive and communicative behaviors. It may occur as an isolated disorder or in the context of other neurological, psychiatric, developmental, and genetic disorders. This condition can manifest in a wide range of symptoms, with varying degrees of severity. It's the brain development aspect of ASD, which this article aims to delve into.

Prevalence and Hereditary Factors of Autism

The global burden of ASD is continuously growing, with a current prevalence rate of 1 in 160 children. However, it's important to note that prevalence rates vary widely from country to country.

Prevalence Rate
Global 1 in 160

Hereditary factors play a significant role in autism, with more than 50% of autism cases traceable to these factors. The genetic essence of ASD has been identified in family and twin studies, with approximately 1000 genes playing a role in the condition [1]. Furthermore, research indicates that younger siblings of children with ASD are more likely to be diagnosed with ASD than the general population, indicating a familial tendency for ASD.

Factor Influence on Autism
Hereditary > 50% of cases

Research utilizing MRI scans on infant siblings of children with ASD has revealed brain developmental changes within the first two years of life that precede ASD diagnosis, highlighting the early origins of ASD traits [2]. This early evidence of brain development anomalies sets the stage for our exploration of autism brain development and its impact on the individual.

Autism and Brain Development

Understanding autism brain development is crucial for both treating and managing this condition. The link between autism and the brain has been a significant area of research, producing notable findings on the structural differences and growth patterns of the brain in individuals with autism.

Brain Structural Differences in Autism

Structural differences in the brain are a characteristic feature of autism. These differences include enlarged brains, variations in the volume and shape of the amygdala, and alterations in the cerebellum. Furthermore, research has revealed changes in various aspects such as overgrowth in the frontal cortex, differences in the corpus callosum, and size changes in several other brain regions.

In addition to these structural differences, abnormalities in neurotransmitter levels have also been observed in individuals with autism [4].

Understanding these differences and how they relate to genetic factors can provide valuable insights into the development and progression of autism [3].

Brain Growth Patterns in Autism

The growth patterns of the brain differ in individuals with autism compared to those without. For instance, several key brain areas in people with autism show increased growth during childhood and adolescence, which tends to slow down in adulthood.

Studies have also shown abnormal brain and cerebrum enlargement in autistic 2–4 year olds, but slightly smaller overall brain volumes by 12 to 16 years of age.

Interestingly, brain imaging studies have shown that changes in the pattern of brain growth during the first two years of life can predict the severity of autism symptoms at age two [4].

These findings underscore the significant role of brain development in autism and emphasize the need for further research to fully understand this complex condition. By continuing to explore the role of genetics, brain development, and environmental factors in autism, researchers hope to develop more targeted treatments that can effectively address the specific brain abnormalities associated with autism.

Role of Genetics in Autism

The role of genetics in autism is a significant area of research. Studies have identified a strong genetic component in the development of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which also influences brain development.

Genetic Architecture of Autism

Autism is a complex condition with a diverse range of symptoms, suggesting that multiple genetic factors are likely involved. Indeed, hereditary factors can be traced to more than 50% of autism cases. The genetic essence of ASD has been identified in family and twin studies, with ~1000 genes estimated to be involved in autism [1].

A comprehensive study by UC Davis Health analyzed brain tissues of 27 deceased individuals with autism and 32 without autism, ranging from 2 to 73 years old. The study identified 194 significantly different genes in the brains of people with autism. Of these genes, 143 produced more mRNA (upregulated) and 51 produced less (downregulated) compared to typical brains. The downregulated genes were mainly linked to brain connectivity.

Gene Expression Number of Genes
Upregulated 143
Downregulated 51

Influence of Genetics on Brain Development

The genetic factors associated with ASD may also influence brain development. For instance, these genetic elements may affect the development of visual circuitry during infancy, which impacts how infants process and experience the world. This could potentially lead to ASD symptoms later in life.

The UC Davis Health study also found that heat-shock proteins, which respond to stress and activate the immune response and inflammation, were more prevalent in autistic brains. This could suggest a response to overactivity in neurons that might accelerate aging in individuals with autism.

Furthermore, the study identified age-related differences in gene expression between neurotypical and autistic individuals in genes related to synaptic pathways, immunity, and inflammation. Changes in the HTRA2 gene, implicated in neuronal cell functions, were noted, as well as evidence of altered insulin signaling and similarities in mRNA expressions with Alzheimer's disease.

The role of genetics in autism brain development is complex and multifaceted. A better understanding of the genetic architecture of autism and its influence on brain development could lead to improved diagnostic methods and interventions for ASD. This area remains a crucial focus for ongoing research.

Autism and Neuroimaging

Neuroimaging studies are proving instrumental in the investigation of autism brain development. Techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are revealing remarkable insights into the brains of individuals with autism, offering a deeper understanding of this complex condition.

MRI Findings in Autism

MRI studies have led to some intriguing findings about the brains of individuals with autism. For instance, brain imaging studies have shown that changes in the pattern of brain growth during the first two years of life can predict the severity of autism symptoms at age two.

Specifically, structural neuroimaging studies have found that head size is normal at birth but significantly enlarged by 2 to 3 years of age in individuals with autism. Recent MRI studies have shown that high-risk autism spectrum disorder (HR-ASD) infants have faster growth trajectories of total brain volume, increased surface area expansion from 6 to 12 months, and increased growth rate of total brain volume from 12 to 24 months compared to HR-negative and low-risk groups [6].

Additionally, infants who are later diagnosed with autism have been found to have an excessive amount of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the subarachnoid space surrounding the cortical surface of the brain at 6 months of age. Increased levels of this fluid have been associated with early motor deficits and can potentially serve as an early stratification marker for a biologically based, etiologically homogenous subtype of ASD.

Understanding Brain Changes Through Imaging

Neuroimaging is helping us understand how and why brain changes occur in autism. Abnormalities in brain structure and in neurotransmitter levels have been shown in individuals with autism [4]. Researchers are exploring the role of genetics, brain development, and environmental factors in the occurrence of autism spectrum disorder.

Efforts are being made to identify biomarkers that can help in the early detection of autism and lead to interventions that can improve outcomes for individuals with the condition. The infant sibling study design, which follows younger siblings of individuals with autism from infancy, offers an efficient strategy for prospectively studying the early behavioral and neural features of autism. By leveraging the recurrence risk in siblings, these studies aim to detect early behavioral and biological markers of autism before behavioral diagnosis is currently possible.

Such findings underscore the potential of neuroimaging as a tool for early identification and intervention in autism. By deepening our understanding of autism brain development, these studies open new avenues for therapeutic research, improving the prospects for individuals with autism and their families.

Early Detection of Autism

Early detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can significantly influence the effectiveness of intervention strategies and the overall prognosis for individuals with autism. Increasingly, research is focusing on how changes in brain growth patterns and the identification of certain biomarkers can aid in predicting autism.

Predicting Autism through Brain Growth

Brain imaging studies have shown that changes in the pattern of brain growth during the first two years of life can predict the severity of autism symptoms at age two. Additional research utilizing MRI scans on infant siblings of children with ASD revealed brain developmental changes within the first two years of life that precede ASD diagnosis, highlighting the early origins of ASD traits.

Furthermore, brain volume and surface area in younger siblings of children with ASD increased with the level of ASD traits in their older siblings, pointing to a potential hereditary link in brain development related to ASD.

Identifying Autism Biomarkers

Early brain imaging in the first year of life holds great promise for predicting ASD before the onset of symptoms, allowing for earlier intervention and more successful outcomes [6]. Specifically, infants who are later diagnosed with ASD have been found to have an excessive amount of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the subarachnoid space surrounding the cortical surface of the brain (extra-axial CSF) at 6 months of age. Increased levels of EA-CSF at 6 months have been associated with early motor deficits and can potentially serve as an early stratification marker for a biologically based, etiologically homogenous subtype of ASD.

Additionally, differences in white matter of the splenium, a brain structure associated with visual stimuli orientation, were observed in infants at 6 months of age who later developed ASD, indicating early markers for ASD traits [2].

The identification of these potential biomarkers, combined with an understanding of the genetic factors associated with ASD, may influence the development of visual circuitry during infancy, impacting how infants process and experience the world, potentially leading to ASD symptoms later in life.

The early detection of autism through changes in brain growth and the identification of biomarkers may provide promising avenues for intervention strategies, potentially improving the overall quality of life for individuals with autism.

Age-Related Brain Differences in Autism

Autism brain development is a complex process that varies significantly from typical brain development. These differences become more apparent as individuals with autism transition from childhood to adulthood. This section explores the role of age in autism brain development and the specific anatomic abnormalities observed at different ages.

Autism: From Childhood to Adulthood

Several key brain areas in people with autism show more growth in childhood and adolescence compared to typical individuals, and this growth tends to slow in adulthood. For example, studies have shown abnormal brain and cerebrum enlargement in autistic 2–4 year olds, but slightly smaller overall brain volumes by 12 to 16 years of age.

Abnormalities in cortical folding and cortical thinning have also been observed in individuals with ASD across different age groups [7]. Moreover, the period of abnormal brain overgrowth is often followed by an accelerated rate of decline in brain size from adolescence to later middle age.

Age-Specific Anatomic Abnormalities

The unique growth patterns and structural differences observed in the brains of individuals with autism might be related to the underlying genetics of the condition [3]. This has led to the theory of age-specific anatomic abnormalities in autism.

These abnormalities include an accelerated total brain volume growth in early children with ASD around 2~4 years of age. However, brain development during early childhood in ASD seems to be predominated by an enlarged brain volume of the frontal and temporal lobes followed by arrested growth and a possible declined volumetric capacity of the brain after around 10~15 years of age.

Furthermore, there are abnormalities in gray and white matter with some regional brain differences between ASD and typically developing (TD) control groups. Some core regions suggested to mediate clinical phenotypes of ASD include the frontotemporal lobe, frontoparietal cortex, amygdala, hippocampus, basal ganglia, and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) [7].

These age-related anomalies in autism brain development contribute to the unique cognitive and behavioral traits observed in individuals with autism. By studying these differences, researchers hope to gain a deeper understanding of autism and develop targeted interventions to support individuals on the autism spectrum across different stages of life.

Autism and Brain Regions

The neurobiological profile of autism is complex and diverse, involving multiple brain areas and circuits. By examining specific regions of the brain, researchers have been able to identify some of the key neurological characteristics associated with autism, enhancing our understanding of autism brain development.

Frontal and Temporal Lobes in Autism

There is a significant volume of research indicating that the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain show marked differences in individuals with autism. In particular, several key brain areas in people with autism exhibit more growth in childhood and adolescence compared to typically developing individuals. However, this growth tends to slow in adulthood.

Specifically, research on brain changes in autism has focused on various aspects such as the overgrowth of the frontal cortex, differences in the corpus callosum, and size changes in several other brain regions. Such findings suggest that the developmental trajectory of these brain areas may be altered in autism, potentially contributing to the characteristic behavioral features of the disorder.

Role of the Amygdala and Cerebellum

In addition to changes in the frontal and temporal lobes, the amygdala and cerebellum have been identified as crucial regions in understanding autism brain development. Brain structure differences in individuals with autism include differences in the volume and shape of the amygdala and alterations in the cerebellum.

In a study conducted in 2020, researchers found that autistic people have a decreased volume in the amygdala and hippocampus regions of the brain, which are essential for emotions and memory. This is consistent with previous findings that suggest these brain areas play a crucial role in autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

The research conducted by the European Autism Interventions - A Multicentre Study for Developing New Medications (EU-AIMS) network found that individuals with ASD have significant structural differences in brain regions compared to typically developing individuals. This helps to understand the neurobiological underpinnings of autism.

These findings highlight the importance of examining specific brain regions when studying autism and underscore the need for further research in this area. By enhancing our understanding of the brain regions involved in autism, we can move closer to unraveling the complex interplay of factors that contribute to this condition.









steven zauderer

CEO of CrossRiverTherapy - a national ABA therapy company based in the USA.

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