Apple by the Numbers: Revealing the Key Statistics

Discover intriguing Apple statistics, from iPhone sales to market impact, in this comprehensive analysis.

steven zauderer
Steven Zauderer
March 19, 2024
8 min read
min read

Apple Statistics: Key Facts and Figures

Here are the top 10 statistics about Apple's market presence, iPhone sales, and services:

  • As of April 2021, 25% of all smartphone users worldwide are using iPhones.
  • 48.2% of smartphone users in the US are using iPhones.
  • Among young people aged 25 to 34 in the US, 63.3% use iPhones.
  • In 2021, the iPhone accounted for 46.9% of Apple's revenue, becoming its top-selling product.
  • Apple sold approximately 217.72 million units of iPhones globally in fiscal year 2021.
  • The ASP of an iPhone was $691 in 2015, which was higher than any other smartphone brand.
  • The average selling price of iPhones has seen a steady increase over the years, priced at an average of $705 in 2017.
  • Apple's services business brought in over $10.9 billion during the most recent quarter.
  • As of 2020, the App Store had approximately 1.96 million apps available for download.
  • Apple held a market share of 20.1% in 2023 by shipping 234.6 million units, representing a 3.7% growth compared to the previous year.

Apple's Market Presence

Apple's presence in the smartphone market has been formidable, with its devices particularly popular in certain demographics and regions. Here, we will delve into the key Apple statistics revealing the company's market presence in terms of global and US smartphone users.

Global Smartphone User Statistics

Globally, Apple holds a significant share of the smartphone market. As of April 2021, 25% of all smartphone users worldwide are using iPhones, according to Exploding Topics. Despite this substantial proportion, Android still leads the global market share with 73.1%, reflecting the diversity of manufacturers and models that use the Android operating system.

Operating System Global Market Share (%)
Android 73.1
iOS (iPhone) 25

Apple User Statistics in the US

In the United States, Apple's market presence is even more notable. As of April 2021, 48.2% of smartphone users in the US are using iPhones. This near half share of the market demonstrates the brand's popularity in the country.

Interestingly, when looking at specific age demographics, the usage of iPhones increases. Among young people aged 25 to 34 in the US, 63.3% use iPhones, significantly higher than the overall national average of 48.2%.

User Demographics iPhone Usage (%)
All Age Groups 48.2
Age 25 - 34 63.3

These statistics underline the strong market presence of Apple, both globally and in the United States, and demonstrate the brand's particular appeal to younger demographics.

iPhone Sales and Revenue

Delving into the financial aspects of Apple, the iPhone plays a significant role in the company's revenue and sales figures.

iPhone's Contribution to Apple's Revenue

In 2021, the iPhone accounted for 46.9% of Apple's revenue, becoming its top-selling product and a major contributor to its revenue stream [2]. This is a testament to the brand's global popularity and the robust demand for its smartphones.

Apple's iPhone revenue has seen remarkable growth over the years, with a significant increase from the first quarter of 2007 to the first quarter of 2022. The following table illustrates the iPhone's revenue contribution to Apple's total revenue:

Year iPhone Revenue Contribution (%)
2016 63.4
2017 61.6
2018 62.8
2019 54.7
2020 50.9
2021 46.9

Yearly iPhone Sales Statistics

In terms of unit sales, Apple witnessed an increase from fiscal year 2020 to fiscal year 2021, going from approximately 196.89 million to about 217.72 million units sold globally.

However, it is important to note that Apple experienced a decline in iPhone sales in fiscal year 2016, where the company sold approximately 211.88 million units globally.

Let's look at the table below for a clearer view of the yearly iPhone sales statistics:

Fiscal Year Units Sold (Millions)
2016 211.88
2017 216.76
2018 217.72
2019 217.72
2020 196.89
2021 217.72

These Apple statistics reveal a strong and consistent demand for iPhones globally, despite occasional fluctuations. The iPhone's contribution to Apple's revenue and its yearly sales figures highlight the product's importance within the company's portfolio.

Average Selling Price of iPhones

The average selling price (ASP) of iPhones is a crucial statistic in understanding Apple's market position. It gives insight into Apple's pricing strategy and the value consumers place on iPhones compared to other brands. Let's delve into a comparison of the ASP of iPhones with other brands and examine the changes in the yearly ASP of iPhones.

Comparison with Other Brands

In 2015, the ASP of an iPhone was $691, which was higher than any other smartphone brand, solidifying Apple's position as a premium brand in the market. Samsung, a major competitor of Apple, had the second-highest ASP in 2015, with their smartphones priced at an average of $299.

Continuing the trend, Apple maintained the highest ASP for smartphones in 2016 as well, with an average selling price of $702. Samsung's smartphones were priced at an average of $232 in the same year, maintaining their position as the brand with the second-highest ASP in the smartphone market.

Brand Average Selling Price (2015) Average Selling Price (2016)
Apple $691 $702
Samsung $299 $232

Yearly Average Selling Price

The average selling price of iPhones has seen a steady increase over the years, reflecting Apple's consistent focus on delivering high-quality, premium devices. In 2017, Apple's iPhone maintained its position with the highest ASP, priced at an average of $705.

This consistent increase in the ASP of iPhones indicates the value that consumers place on Apple's products. With each new iPhone model, Apple continues to innovate and provide features that consumers are willing to pay a premium for.

Year Average Selling Price
2015 $691
2016 $702
2017 $705

These statistics underscore the strength of Apple's brand and the success of its pricing strategy in the competitive smartphone market. As we continue to delve into Apple's statistics, we will see how this has translated into the company's overall performance and impact on the industry.

Apple Services and App Store

The growth of Apple's services and the App Store are crucial aspects of the company's success, contributing significantly to its overall revenue. This section highlights key statistical data illustrating the substantial role these elements play in Apple's market presence.

Revenue from Apple Services

Apple's services business, which encompasses everything from iCloud and iTunes to the App Store and Apple Music, has seen considerable growth in recent years. According to The Verge, the services sector brought in over $10.9 billion during the most recent quarter and is on track to double its business from 2016 to 2020. Last quarter alone saw a 19 percent increase year over year, making the services sector a substantial revenue stream for Apple.

Year Revenue from Apple Services (Billion $)
2016 ~5.4
2017 ~6.5
2018 ~7.8
2019 ~10.9

Key Statistics about the App Store

The App Store, a pivotal part of Apple's services business, has also seen significant growth and usage. Business of Apps reports that as of 2020, the App Store had approximately 1.96 million apps available for download. Furthermore, it generated over $72.3 billion in consumer spending on in-app purchases and premium apps in 2020. With its availability in 175 countries, it's no surprise that the App Store accounted for around 65% of all global app downloads in the same year.

Statistic 2020 Data
Number of Apps Available ~1.96 Million
Consumer Spending (Billion $) $72.3
Global App Downloads Share 65%
Countries with App Store Availability 175

These impressive figures underscore the App Store's importance in the mobile app market and its substantial contribution to Apple's overall revenue. The continual growth of Apple's services sector, particularly the App Store, is a key component in understanding the company's market dominance and success.

Global Smartphone Market

The global smartphone market is a dynamic environment with several key players, including Apple. This section will analyze Apple's market share and its standing in comparison to its competitors.

Apple's Market Share

In 2023, Apple achieved a significant milestone by securing the top spot in the global smartphone market, marking the first time since 2010 that a company other than Samsung led the market [6]. Even amid a 3.2% drop in the overall market, Apple showcased its dominance with a record high market share.

Apple held a market share of 20.1% in 2023 by shipping 234.6 million units, representing a 3.7% growth compared to the previous year [6].

In the US, as of April 2021, 48.2% of smartphone users were using iPhones.

Competitor Analysis

While Apple has been making significant strides in the global market, it's important to understand the performance of its key competitors.

Samsung, a long-standing rival of Apple, saw its market share drop to 19.4% in 2023, with 226.6 million units shipped. This depicted a decline of 13.6% year over year [6].

Despite facing regulatory challenges and competition from Huawei, Apple managed to achieve positive annual growth and become the number one smartphone vendor globally for the first time. The success of Apple has been attributed to the growing trend of premium devices, which accounted for over 20% of the market, supported by attractive trade-in deals and interest-free financing plans [6].

The comparative data clearly illustrate Apple's strong standing in the global smartphone market. These apple statistics offer valuable insights into the company's dominance and its ability to outperform competitors. However, the dynamics of the global smartphone market are perpetually changing, and the success of a company is contingent on its ability to innovate and adapt to these shifts.

Impact on the Smartphone Industry

Apple's influence on the smartphone industry is beyond question. As one of the world's leading tech companies, Apple's performance and strategic moves significantly impact overall industry trends, competitors, and consumers' preferences. Let's delve into the key Apple statistics that illustrate the company's performance over the years and the future projections and trends.

Apple's Performance Over the Years

Apple's performance in the smartphone market has been impressive, with 2023 marking a significant milestone. That year, Apple claimed the top spot in the global smartphone market, securing a record high market share, even as the overall market had dropped by 3.2% IDC. This achievement made Apple the market leader for the first time since 2010, replacing Samsung.

In 2023, Apple held a market share of 20.1% by shipping 234.6 million units, representing a 3.7% growth compared to the previous year. In contrast, Samsung's market share dropped to 19.4%, with 226.6 million units shipped, depicting a decline of 13.6% year over year IDC.

In the fourth quarter of 2023, Apple solidified its leading position by shipping 80.5 million units, accounting for 24.7% of the global market share. This marked an 11.6% increase from the same period in 2022 IDC.

Year Apple's Market Share Units Shipped (in million)
2022 19.4% 226.6
2023 20.1% 234.6

Future Projections and Trends

Despite facing regulatory challenges and competition from Huawei, Apple managed to achieve positive annual growth and became the number one smartphone vendor globally. This success was primarily attributed to the growing trend of premium devices, which accounted for over 20% of the market. These results were supported by attractive trade-in deals and interest-free financing plans that appealed to a broad range of consumers IDC.

Looking forward, the industry anticipates recovery in 2024, with a projected 8.5% year-over-year growth in the fourth quarter. With Apple's track record of innovation and customer-centric services, it's expected that the company will continue to hold a significant market share and influence future industry trends.

While it's difficult to predict precise future trends, based on Apple's performance and the general market direction, it's clear that premium devices and customer-oriented services will continue to play a significant role in the smartphone industry. As a result, we can expect Apple to continue to innovate and lead the market, providing consumers with high-quality, cutting-edge technology.






