Why Do Autistic People Like Trains?

If you've ever wondered why autistic people like trains, you're not alone. Keep reading to find out why people with autism like trains.

steven zauderer
Steven Zauderer
February 24, 2025
min read

Why Do Autistic People Like Trains?

If you've ever wondered why autistic people like trains, you're not alone. It's a common question, and one that hasn't always had a clear answer. But recent research has shed some light on the matter. Here's what we know about why autistic people connect with trains.

Trains are predictable - they always run on time and follow the same route

Train travel can be one of the most reliable modes of transportation for those on a schedule. With highly precise timing and a reliable route, it's no wonder that trains are often preferred for traveling long distances.

Not only do they save you the hassle of traffic delays and navigating around cities, but they are also much more comfortable than other forms of transportation.

Whether it's to get to your destination quicker or simply to relax and enjoy the scenery, there's something special knowing that you can trust your train to get you exactly where you want to go with utmost reliability and punctuality.

Trains are quiet - autistic people often appreciate silence or low levels of noise

Train travel is becoming increasingly popular as people look for more comfortable, sustainable, and efficient ways to transport themselves across distances.

One of the benefits trains offer over other forms of transportation is their quietness. For someone with autism, this can be invaluable; autistic people often find comfort in lower levels of noise due to the processing difficulties they may have with loud or chaotic sounds.

Trains provide an almost meditative journey; providing a soothing environment that those on the spectrum can use to calm themselves during times of distress or overwhelm. So as train travel increases in popularity, it's worth noting that autistic passengers in particular have much to gain from its peaceful atmosphere—something we all should be able to appreciate.

Trains offer a sense of security - many autistic people feel safe inside a train car

For some dealing with autism, the sense of security that comes from riding on a train can feel like an indispensable form of protection. Even when seated in a public space, those who experience trains often find themselves cocooned within a comforting sense of safety that is hard to find elsewhere, especially in moments of anxiousness or stress.

Some have even reported feeling lost without trains nearby and turning them for solace during times of difficulty. Trains can serve as safe places for many people on the autism spectrum, providing them with physical comfort combined with mental tranquility where they may find a moment's peace in their otherwise turbulent experiences.

Trains provide visual stimulation - watching the scenery go by can be calming for autistic people

Trains provide a surprisingly peaceful form of travel for those on the autism spectrum, fostering calmness and clarity of thought. Riding on a train is especially beneficial, with its rhythmic motion, as well as its unique aspect of providing visual stimulation as the scenery passes by.

Autistic riders are afforded an opportunity to appreciate landscapes at a slower pace than other forms of transportation allow. Not only that, but taking in the sights from the comfort of a cozy and secure space on board can help promote relaxation and comfort throughout the ride. The combination of sights, sounds and movement make trains a great way for those with autism to work through their anxieties.

Train travel is often less stressful than other forms of transportation, such as flying

Train travel is a wonderful way to get from one place to another; not only is it more cost effective than other forms of transportation, but it's often significantly less stressful.

Taking the train allows you to relax in a way that flying simply can't; instead of worrying about tight security lines and luggage restrictions, you can stretch out and enjoy the scenery as you pass through towns and cities, eventually arriving at your destination.

Train travel creates a tranquil and low-stress experience for passengers; the perfect way to make traveling easier without sacrificing the joys of the journey!

For autistic people, trains can offer many benefits over other forms of transportation. They are predictable, quiet, and offer a sense of security. Additionally, the visual stimulation provided by watching the scenery go by can be calming.

Overall, train travel is often less stressful than flying or driving.If you or someone you know is autistic, consider taking a trip by train next time you need to travel. You may find it to be a more enjoyable experience than expected!


  1. https://www.autismspeaks.org/expert-opinion/what-it-about-autism-and-trains-0
  2. https://www.aaed.org/uncategorized/better-understanding-the-connection-between-autism-and-trains/
steven zauderer

CEO of CrossRiverTherapy - a national ABA therapy company based in the USA.